Version ApachiiSkyHair adds 98 hairstyles for women and 55 for men and the 153 new hairstyles. Character creation: Find hairstyles during character creation easy-they are the primary positions of the slider to choose the hair.
Apachii Sky Hair Female

About this mod
New Female and Male Hairstyles for Humans, Elves and Orcs. Converted hair from Sims2 and Sims3.
Standalone version.
Nexus requirements
Mod name | Notes |
ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer |
Apachii Sky Hair Skyrim
Mods requiring this file
Mod name | Notes |
(FFA) Female Follower Adjustments | |
1 level main quest completed Chuck Norris | |
2 Altmer Followers - Astraea and Sephiria | |
3 Beautiful Temptresses | |
4 Dragon Age Followers | |
A DIfferent Aela the Huntress | |
A More Noble Serana | |
A Vilja Custom Face | |
A Vilja Custom Face v2.0 | |
Additional Characters Followers and NPC's | Required for a couple characters hairstyles |
AdiaStar Redresses Whiterun | |
Adonis - Character Preset | |
Aela Hair and Face reWork | |
Aela Replacer | |
Aela The Badass | |
Aela the Huntress and her little sis Leah | |
Aela the huntress Face remake | |
Aela the Huntress replacer | |
Aerith Succubus Saved Game | |
Aerosbrire Estate | |
Aesa Preset | |
Agenor - New Follower | |
Ahhotep Race | all the three |
Ahri Lunafox Follower | |
Al Thor - Imperial Companion | |
Alana Follower - FBR | |
Alarys - A Sweet Companion (Now Standalone) | |
Alatariel Calanor For CharGen | |
Albedo from Overlord as Follower | U need that mod to can use my NPC |
Alessandra Bellamorte - Vampire Follower -NSFW- CBBE - UNP | |
Alexander Follower | |
Alexia Ravenscar Ranger Follower | |
Alexstrasza Follower | Get the first main file 'ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full' |
Alexstrasza Follower - MMOxReview's Skyrim Character | |
Alexstrasza Save Game | |
Alexstrasza V1 Preset for RaceMenu | |
Alexstrasza V2 RaceMenu Preset | |
Alice - A Young and Cute Breton | |
Alissa Blackhart the Ex Stormcloak Soldier | |
All completed | |
Amazon Barbarian Race | |
Ammee Lei - Follower | |
Andistic - The Assassin | |
Andrana - An Aesthetic Elves Racemenu Preset | |
Andrea - Companion | |
Angi - A Reflection For The Winter Of My Soul WIP | |
Anna Valerious -Companion from Van Helsing- Kate Beckinsale | |
Anne ECE Preset | |
Annekke Crag-Jumper Milfy and Mature | Version 1_5 is required. |
Apachii Hair for Suite Residents Light | |
Apachii Skyhair - Breast Weight Painted | |
Apachii SkyHair vs OBIS | |
ApachiiChopped | |
ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture | |
Apollo | |
Appachified Frightened Woman | |
Argis the Bulwark Overhaul | |
Aria Saved Game Preset | |
Ariana save game | |
Ariana tempress | |
Arianna--Mage Follower - Gunz77 | |
Aries the succubus saved game | |
Ariya the Huntress Wood-Elf Follower | |
Arlana the Axe Maiden -Housecarl of Riften Iona Replacer- | |
Ascentia Kortai | |
Asgard - Kingdom of the Gods | |
Ashen V2 Follower - Aelia Blackwatch | |
Astrid Hofferson Follower (HTTYD) | |
Asuna Yuki Follower | |
Asuna Yuuki - SAO | |
Attakyabin Reworked - Riften River edition | |
Attractive Uthgerd the Unbroken | |
Azton - Male Breton Follower Mod | |
Azula shouting follower | |
AzuraV1 | |
B.J Blazkowicz preset for Race Menu | |
Babes of Skyrim (Vanilla Replacer) | |
Balgruuf and Irileth Makeover | |
Beatrix Shadowfrost -Vampiric Follower- | |
Beauties Of Skyrim | |
Beautiful and Intelligent Companions -BIC | |
Beautiful Elves V2 | |
Beautiful Lydia | |
Beautiful Onmund | |
Beautiful Theanna HARDCORE alternative | |
Beautiful Vampires V3.2 | |
Bella Ezmount follower | |
Belrand | |
Benk Leonhart Standalone Follower | |
Berserk - Tales of the Black Swordsman | |
Better Looking Mjoll | |
Better Lydia's Hairstyle | |
Better NPCs | |
Better Vilkas and Farkas | |
Better Ysolda Mod | |
Black Metal Character Preset | |
BlackfeatherWhiteraven Preset pack | |
Blackrun_playerhome | |
Blaze | |
Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded | |
Borgakh the Heartbreaker | |
Borgakh the Steel Heart | |
Bosmer Follower - Spouse Companion Pair | |
Bounty Suicide | |
Braithwen Fernleaf -Wood Elf Companion- | |
Brandi- Breton RaceMenu Preset | |
Breton Cuties | |
Breton Follower Michelle - Unkillable Follower | |
Breton preset | |
Breverus - Standalone Brute Follower by RenSenninMV | |
Bri - a sexy companion - NSFW | |
Brides of Vladimir Companion mod | |
Britney Spears preset | |
Brooke Wylde preset for Racemenu | |
Brunhilde Valkyria -Custom Follower- | |
California Girls -- UNP | |
Cam Altmer Thief Follower Standalone | Required for this mod |
Camila | v 1.6 |
Camilla Redone | |
Camilla Valerius Replacer - Fire Mage -NSFW- CBBE and UNP | |
Camillia Follower - FBR | |
Captivating Iona | |
Cara Delevingne preset for RaceMenu | |
Carpet Matches Drapes | |
Casteo - the Wanderer | |
Celeste - A Beautiful Ningheim Character Preset for RaceMenu and Save Game and Familiar Faces | |
Character Preset- Tanya | |
Charlize Follower | |
Children of Asaia | |
Ciccio - Handsome Cute Male Preset | Especially Apachii hair male |
Cici | |
Circle Companions Revised | |
Coffees Companions | |
Colette Redone | |
Companions Look Overhaul | |
Conjure Female Dremora Lord - Dremora Empress | |
Conlin's Pretty Character Preset | |
Consuelo de Montoya -Bruja del Fuego- Fire Mage | |
Coupes de cheveux Apachii pour PNJs uniques de Bordeciel | |
Cr1tikal - A Racemenu Preset | |
Custom bodybase and Character preset | |
Cute boy preset | |
Cute Male Nord Preset for RaceMenu | |
Daenerys Stormborn ECE Save | |
Daenerys Targaryen preset for RaceMenu | |
Daisy Follower Sexy Companion | |
Dark Mansion - A Vampire Player Home and Companions | |
Darkshard - Standalone Spellsword Follower | |
Dawnstar the Faded Jewel-Northfolk | |
Descent Into Madness | |
donald trump save game | |
DovKroniid Redoubt | |
DovKroniid Redoubt and Border Forts of Skyrim - Quest Version | |
Drakian race a new beast race by coolster dragonkin and replacer to argonian | |
Edge Sisters Marriable Essential or Mortal Ninja Followers | |
Edhildils DMRA Store | Apachii Hair Females optional file |
Edvard The Vampire Follower | |
Elaen Altmer RaceMenu Preset | |
Eldran - A RaceMenu Preset | |
Elena Racemenu Preset | |
Elfendragos Unique Followers | |
Elis Hot Springs | |
Elizi | |
Ellean Crystaline - A Familar Faces Follower File | |
Ellie. A pretty Nord girl preset. | |
Eloise's older sister - Character Preset | |
Elpelin Pinegrove | |
Elsa Stormcloak Assassin | |
Elsie Wolf-Claw | |
Emilie Saved Game | |
Emily Adorable Preset | |
EmmaFollower | |
Enchanting Aela the Huntress (3 Hairstyle Choices) | |
Enelya preset for Racemenu | |
Erica | |
Erolin a racemenu preset | |
Erzsebet The Wicked -Custom Follower- | |
Etain of Britanni Follower -Belrand Replacer- | |
Etain the Shewolf -Follower- | |
Eurydice -Battle Mage Companion- Adult | |
Evolving Followers _ Uthgerd the Unbroken Daedric Manbreaker | |
Faelar Nightfoot - Bosmer Companion | |
Faerthurin | |
Faeye The Slayer | |
Fairy Tail Followers | |
Faith The Ranger | For her hair |
Falron the Swift | |
Falskaar Home Improvement | |
Fancy Arngeir | For his hair |
Fangs for immersive wenches vampire (Apachii..KS hairs..SG hairs versions) | |
Fanris (Racemenu Preset) | |
Farkas and Vilkas Appearance Change | |
FF 13 Lightning Face Preset ( Lunari Race) | |
Fillipa from the witcher 2 | |
Final Fantasy 8 Companions | |
Final Fantasy Tactics Heroes | |
Fire Emblem Hero Companions | |
Fistiq - Female Nord Follower | |
Fjori Follower | |
Follower - Adriana 2018 | |
Follower - Sakatra | |
Follower Alexandra | |
Follower Princess Silnia and the Thalmor Vindicators | |
Follower vanessa | |
Follower Xannon | |
Follower- Lucia Kyla- A UNP thief follower. | |
Followers For Factions | |
Forest of Silence - Draculas Castle Player Home And Quest | |
Furyan Race based of Riddick films | |
GALADRIEL - Lord of the rings companion | |
Galindra the fair | |
Game of Thrones Character presets for RaceMenu | |
Game of Thrones NPC Replacer 2 | |
Gandalf The Grey | |
Gandalf The Grey- Racemenu Preset | |
Genevieve - Fallen Daedra Sorceress | |
Geralt of Rivia Racemenu Preset from Witcher 3 | don't forget to download the optional male hairpack as well. |
Geralt RaceMenu Preset | |
Gestick Raptio - The Best Companion Ever Alive in Tamriel | |
GK Female NPC Replacer | |
GK Follower Pack Legendary Edition | ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5 is required. |
Gli Beindae -Wood-Elf Companion- Ranger Hunter Scout | |
Gorgeous Men Of Skyrim - Arro | |
Gorgeous Men of Skyrim - Danicus | |
Gorgeous Men of Skyrim - Korvain | |
Gorgeous Men of Skyrim - Sebastion | |
Gorgeous Men Of Skyrim - Vladamir | |
Grace Darklings Hair | |
Groka The Witch - Because Not All Orcs Use Brute Force | |
Guardian HeadQuarters NSFW -29 Followers- | |
Guril Ice-Veins - Stormcloak Mage follower | |
Gyot NPC Enemy Replacer Dawnguard | |
Handsome Thalmor Ondolemar -- Follower Options (3 Versions) | |
Handsome Vilkas (2 Hairstyle Choices) | |
Hedda and Kierra Norell | |
Helene Wyrmhearth - A Simple Follower Mod | |
Hemi a follower | |
Henry | |
Hermione Follower and Savegame | |
Hiccup Horendous Haddock Follower HTTYD | |
High Elf preset | |
Hot Aela The Huntress | |
Hot Lydia the Whiterun Housecarl | |
HOT NPC Sky Hair | |
Hott Interesting NPCs | |
Hott Vampires | |
Hott Vampires 2 - The Quickening | |
Hott Witches | |
Ice Terror a shouting Follower | |
Illia Companion -Red Hot Ice Mage- CBBEv3 and UNP -NSFW- | |
Immersive Wenches Castellano | |
Ingun Upgraded | |
Inhabitants of Skyrim - German | |
Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul | |
Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul - French | |
Inhabitants of Skyrim NPC Overhaul USLEEP Patch | |
Interesting NPC Cosmetic Changes 3DNPC | |
iNTERLOPERs Lunari Angels | |
iNTERLOPERs Noiral Followers | |
Invasion of Skyrim - Grand Admiral Thrawn 2.0 - The Balance of Power | |
Irileth Redone Lore Friendly | |
Irileth Replacer | |
Isabella Virgo - Follower | |
Itachi and Kisame from Akatsuki | |
Jane Riley preset 1.1 | |
Janna Follower-League of legends- WIP | |
Jarls of Skyrim | |
Jedi Enclave | |
Jenassa to Veanya Replacer | |
Jenna Redgaurd - not standalone | |
Jenna -Just Jenna- CBBEV3 Jordis Replacer -NSFW- | |
Jenna and Xenon - The Fire and Frost Duo | |
Jessica Rabbit save file | |
Jessica VanNord | |
Jezebel Simon -WitchBlade- | |
JNPC Aela | |
JNPC Alva | |
JNPC Elisif | |
JNPC Erandur | |
JNPC Luaffyn | |
JNPC Serana | |
JNPC Sorine | |
Jonas nord follower | |
Jordis and Iona face overhaul | |
Jordis Maiden of Solitude | |
Julia NPC Beta | |
Juliet ECE Preset | |
Kahlan Amnell- The Follower | |
Kariin The Lunari Assassin | |
Katara Wood Elf (Bosmer) Follower | |
Katnerds NPCs and Followers | |
Katria Lives | |
Katya Follower | |
Kee Lee Wolf-Runner | |
Kerstin_Imperial.7z | |
Khajiit Follower - Spouse Companion Pair | |
Khajit Pyroar Preset | |
Kira | |
Kitana -Standalone Kombat Companion- | |
Kris Williams preset 1.1 | |
Kroomans Followers - with Princess of Thieves_Dragon Knight_Forsworn BriarHeart_Lord Melania armors | |
Kunoichi Ayame | |
Kyra the Dark Witch from Skyrim Character Preset | |
Ladies Conjuration_Anise's Secrets | |
Lagertha and Aslaug from Vikings | ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6 ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5 |
Lagertha Racemenu Preset | |
Laia Ningheim Vampire Follower | |
Laluna the Ice Mage -- Follower Mod -- CBBE-UNP-etc compatible | |
Laurence Polaris marriage follower | |
LC Based Nord | |
Lena May. A beautiful Nord woman preset. | |
Leon Scott Kennedy Preset | ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_2 |
Leonie Temptress Savegame | |
Lin Sui Lie racemenu preset | |
Lindsey Follower | |
Lisette Follower - A Hotter Version CBBE- UNP- Etc -NSFW- | |
Lonely Dwarven City Erebor | |
Lord Ganondorf CME - ECE Preset - Plus Voice Acting | |
Lore Friendly Frozen Sisters - Elsa and Anna | |
Lovely Liany Preset | |
Lovely Lydia | |
Love_Goddess_ TemptressRace_SavedGame | |
Luceid Sevrahi | |
lucy saved game | |
Luna ECE Preset | |
Lurtz_Racemenu Preset | |
Luscious Presets | |
Lydia and twin Kaylee featuring Aela the Huntress | |
Lydia Sexy Replacer CBBE v1.0 | Apachihair Female |
Lydia the Whiterun Housecarl replacer | |
Lydia Young Petite Coed Version -ADULT- | |
Lysandra | |
Maddie Companion | |
Maerwen Briaerthorne -Wood Elf Adventurer- | |
Mage College Makeover | |
Male Hearthfire Housecarls | |
Male Redguard RaceMenu Preset | ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_2 |
Marcurio | |
Marriageable Selena Gomez | |
Mary2 a racemenu preset | |
Mathilda Follower | |
Megan fox save game | |
Meia - A Hot Breton | |
Melvin the Anorexic Alien Preset | |
Men of Skyrim | |
Michael a standalone tamikofollower | |
Midori | |
Mikasa Ackerman saved game | |
Minami saved game | |
Mistress Mivera CBBE | ApachiiSkyHair Females |
Misty Day (From American Horror Story) | |
Mittens the Annihilator Beta | |
MJ5 Tavern Passage - follower pack | |
Mjoll Lion's Mane | |
Mjoll the lion By Malek | |
MKs Aela Redone | |
MMOxReview's Alexstrasza - Beautiful Nord Woman - Genuine MxR Save | |
Model number 7 | |
Monahven Lodge - Player House with Vampire Follower | |
More Followers and Marrageable NPC's | |
Morella the Cursed -Dremora Companion- | |
MORRIGAN - Dragon Age Origins Companion | |
Morrigan Succubus Saved Game | |
Morwen Follower | |
MxR's (MMOxReview) Alexstrasza Follower Mod | |
My Wood Elf preset for Racemenu | ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_2 |
MyGirls Female Body StandAlone Companions Kit | |
Myst- A spellsword follower | |
Nara Archer Follower | |
Nemeyeth - Racemenu Preset | |
New Iona | |
Ningheim Alexis Preset | |
Nio Racemenu Preset | |
NL4 U NPC | Full 1.6 - Female 1.5 - Male 1.2 |
No More Buffy Faced Vampires - Feed on and Heal vampires | |
noctis model | |
Nonor - A standalone follower quest mod | |
Nord Companion Freya | |
Nord Male Follower - Jaime Hand of Death | |
Nord Preset | |
Nordic Player House with Vampire Follower | |
NPCOverhaul | |
Nylia | |
Olaf and Bjorn - two viking followers | |
Olgierd von Everec racemenu preset | just the male pack |
Onmund by Pahnrak | |
Optimus RaceMenu Presets for Vanilla and Citrus HD Heads | |
Orc Follower - Glash | |
Original Vampire and Original Hybrid | |
PentiusBendoro | |
People of Skyrim MAKEOVER | |
Phoenix | |
Phoenixs Follower Pack | |
PKPresets- Beautiful Ladies of Skyrim for RaceMenu | |
Prettier Aranea Follower | |
Prettier Jenassa Follower | |
Pretty Ysolda | |
Priscilla - A Nord RaceMenu Preset | |
Prussia Mod -- BETA | |
Psumiku the Lust Maiden | |
Queenieangels Angelyaa Ang | |
Queenieangels Female Followers Update | |
Queenieangels Male Followers | |
RaceMenu Preset - Elizabeth | |
RaceMenu Preset Goodness | |
Races Replacer LOTR | |
Rachel the Dual wielding expert | |
Raiyza | |
Random Laxus | |
Rayya Housecarl Makeover | |
Rayya Makeover | |
Rayya Replacer by DDey | |
Red Jack | |
Redoran Manor Player Home | |
Retouched Background NPCs of Skyrim | |
Retouched Bandits Of Skyrim | |
Retouched Forsworn Of Skyrim | |
Retouched NPCs of Skyrim - All in One | |
Rias The Great Follower | |
Rika lvl 1 Lunari | |
Rina Preset | |
Rollo The Berserker RaceMenu Preset | |
Rollo The Viking | |
Ronnie James Dio preset for Racemenu | For the 80's metal hair. |
Rosaelia preset for RaceMenu | |
Rose | |
Rowena Frostmoor -Ice Princess- | |
Ryume Preset for Racemenu | |
Saadia Redguard Companion -Death in Erotic Form- Adult | |
Salia - High Elf Female CBBE | |
Salt and Wind - Rough Hair for Apachii Sky Hair | |
Sansa RaceMenu Preset (GOT) | |
Saphire_Succubus_Race_Lv1Save | |
Sarah Winter | |
Sarahphina | |
Sarharien the Red - Follower | |
Saruman The White | |
Sasha Follower | |
Scarlette | |
Seductress Aela Replacer Overhaul | |
Seductress Hroki Wife and Companion | |
Ser Gilmore goes Skyrim | |
Serah RaceMenu Preset | |
Serpentine by TiaBlackRaven RaceMenu Preset | |
Sexy Dana | |
Sexy Marcurio | |
Sexy succubus companion Deutsch 2.1 | Nur Basis Paket ist wichtig aber es stört auch nicht alle zu benutzen |
Shakuntala - Lore-Friendly and Marriagable High Elf Rogue V1 | |
Sharliah Follower (Alpha) | |
Shelia Race Menu Preset | |
Shereen Goldleaf - Jenassa Replacer- CBBE and UNP | |
ShineRock - The City Within Blackreach | |
Siggy Vikings | |
Sigmond's Gregor Replacer | |
Siri Farseer Nord Follower | |
Six beautiful characters | |
Six Beautiful Followers | |
Sky Castle - Player Home | |
Skyrim NPC Beautification - Riverwood | |
Skyrim People Redesign | |
Snowpride | |
Sri'Leyah-Preset | |
SRX Followers - All-in-One Edition | Textures only, not required esp. |
Studly Aicantar -- Follower and Marriage Options (Multiple Appearance Choices) | |
Sultry Brelyna Maryon | |
Sultry Mjoll the Lioness | |
summon angels French | |
Summon Human Creatures - Invocar Criaturas Humanas | |
Sura -The Lioness of Persia Companion -Adult- | |
Susan Coffey | |
Susan Slaugher preset 1.1 | |
Sybil - Vampire Girl Follower | |
Sycos Beautiful NPC - Aela The Huntress | |
Sylvia - Follower | |
Takata male asian a racemenu preset | |
Taki Racemenu Preset | |
Tamikofollowers | |
Taylor Companion | |
Taylor Lautner Follower | |
Tera the Mage Follower | |
The Age of Wrath and Redemption- Follower Pack | Requires Base Mod, Male and Female |
The Balumont Sisters | |
The Five Sisters Of Magic | |
The Hairstyler - Polish Translation | |
The Ilfirin Sgiathatch | |
The Legend of Zelda - Link - Preset for ECE and Racemenu | If you want Link to have his hair that I used then I suggest you have ApachiiSkyHair |
The Legend of Zelda's - Hylian Princess Zelda Preset - For ECE and Racemenu | |
The Living Zodiac | |
The Lonely Mountain Mod_An Unexpected Journey | |
The Lucahjin fan mod | |
The New Aela The Huntress | |
The New Vigil 1.8.8 | |
The Noiral Reloaded - Spanish translation | |
The Paraestum Clan | |
The Pretty Boys of Skyrim | |
The Red Estate by Sarharien | |
The Tannuck Sisters | ApachiiHair Female and ApachiiHair.esm |
The Walking Dead - Daryl Follower and new Landscape | |
The Women Of Ghost Hunters Racemenu Preset Pack | |
Throne of Gold | |
Tier Harribel Follower 2.4 | |
Tiffani - An Assassin Follower | |
Tiger Lily Lvl 19 Save Game | |
Toraji the Khajiit | |
Tovald Stormwind | |
Tracey DeSanta Follower Sexy Companion | apachi.esm and apachiFemale.esm |
Travel Guards of Skyrim | |
TW3 Yennefer RaceMenu Preset | |
Twila the Assassin Wife and Follower | |
Tyler Carter - Mage Follower | |
Tyler Carter - Save Game Version | |
Tyrna - Nord Follower | |
Ulfric | |
Uthgerd Kriegswolfe -Attractive but Lore Friendly Replacer- | |
Uthgerd revisited - Apachii | |
Uthgerd the Unbroken - Enhanced Looks | |
Uthgerd to Ashari Replacer | |
Uthgerd von Wolfe - Goddess of the Moon -NSFW- CBBE UNP | |
Uthgerd-Beautiful Uthgerd -REQUIRES APACHII SKY HAIR- | |
Valhalla Tomb - A Nordic God Quest | |
Venom | |
Vilkas and Farkas replacer | |
Visarra - Female Orc Follower and Spouse V2-5 | |
Visions of Angels and Warriors | |
Volkihar Castle Reborn | |
Warriors of Jorrvaskr -Guerriers de Jorrvaskr -v EN FR -All Companions -Aela Farkas Njada Vilkas Athis Ria Torvar etc | |
Witcher 3 Geralt of Rivia Preset | |
Women of Whiterun - Femmes de Blancherive - v EN FR - Lydia Saadia Ysolda and more - Brelyna in bonus | |
Xayah racemenu from League of Legends | |
Yeshin a tamikofollower standalone | |
Yeshin racemenu preset | |
Younger and better looking Omluag | |
Younger Karliah | |
Younger looking Sorex Vinius | |
Ysolda Enhanced - Follower | |
Yvonne - A Nord RaceMenu Preset | |
Zaphaeus Venual | |
Zayn - Follower | |
Zephyr Follower | |
Zeuth's follower mod | |
Zooey Deschanel Face Preset |
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assetsSome assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permissionYou are not allowed to modify my files, including creating bug fixes or improving on features under any circumstances
- Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being soldYou are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Apachii - Conversions of sims 2 hair, rigging, alpha/textures edits.
Geonox - Hair creation and Sims conversion.
Jeir - help with hair textures color to better match Skyrims hair colors.
Thanks to Original authors, without them there would be no hairs.
Original authors for Sims hair:
Nightcrawler sims -
8k sims -
Almighty Hat -
Adele -
Anto - -
Geonox - - -
Peggy -
Ren -
NewSea -
Nouk - -
Kozaburo -
Lapiz Lazuli-
idkrrr - Saram race and hairs -
FourTSeven (Caitlyn)
ciboulettebis -
Fantasyrogue -
ClayPidgeon162 - A Girl with a Dragon Tattoo - - Charley Custom Race ver 2_2
Studio Maya -
Lunar Eclipse -
Raonjena Sims -
Cazy -
Leah - Roses for Nighrcrawler hair
Hair conversions Skyrim:
Chris57 - Better males -
Hair conversion Witcher:
AlphaWolF - Witcher Ultimate MOD -
Original author: CD Projekt -
Original author Oblivion:
RGMs Navatar Race
Hair conversions Oblivion:
Room207 - Conversion of NewSea hair and Peggy hair from his mod - CCC - Comprehensive Cosmetic Compilation -
Juno1 - LUCHA - conversion of Peggy hair
LUCHA - conversion of Coolsims hair and Raonjena Sims hair and Helga curly
LaughingVampire1990 for the race mod Demoness from where I used peggy hairs -
ziitch - Conversion ofCazy Hair Pack -
chakaru11 - hair from CM Pym -
Ren - Rens Beauty Pack -
Beta testers
Kayin, dollparts, Cyshix, tackymoe, Butch93h, mrsmills
Thank you my friends for your ideas and encouragement
Urshi and Tereza
Logo design, covermagazines
Programs/tools used to make the mod:
SimPE - http://sims.ambertat...ldownload.shtml
Sims3 Tools -
Blender -
Python -
PyFFI - http://sourceforge.n...group_id=199269
NIF Scripts - http://sourceforge.n...ckage_id=166219
Bethesda Softworks - The Creation Kit
Tomas Blaho_WTV_DDS file viewer - http://developer.nvi...ure_viewer.html
View TGA Thumbnail -
NifSkope The NifTools team - http://niftools.sour...t/wiki/NifTools
Adobe_Photoshop CS5
NVIDIA Photoshop plugin -
DDS Thumbnail Viewer -
7zip -
Donation Points system
This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points
Name |
ApachiiHelmetWigs_v_1_0 |
ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_3 |
ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5 |
ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_1 |
ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_2 |
ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full |
ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full |
ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full |
mediafire mirror ApachiiHelmetWigs_v_1_0 |
mediafire mirror ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_3 |
mediafire mirror ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_4 |
mediafire mirror ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5 |
mediafire mirror ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_1 |
mediafire mirror ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_2 |
mediafire mirror ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full |
Version 1.6.Full
Change log:
Optional file:ApachiiHelmetWigs_v_1_1
2017-04 -01
- Added proper inventory and ground model for the wigs.
- Made it so that you automatically get the right wig for your race.
- If you craft it you only see one version of every wig option (that fits your race) instead of seeing all wigs for all races.
- Less clutter in crafting menu
2015-01-29 - Main File UPDATED to - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full
- Changed textures to more detailed highrez textures.
- Male hairs are darker to better match beards.
- Reduced shine in normalmaps
- Reduced brightness on textures to look better with ENB mods.
- Made some female long hairs closer to body.
- Moved some hairlines higher up and remodeled some hairs.
- Fixed wrong textures path on male hairline 01.
2014-11-26 - ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5
Download under Optional files
- Adds 28 new female hairs, the mod now has 98 hairstyles.
- All hairs are remodeled to fit Elves and some for Orcs.
- Adds 2 new hairs for Khajiit
- Replaced the extreme highpoly hair 11 and 12 with lowpoly meshes.
2014-04-09 - ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_4
Download under Optional files
- Adds 30 new female hairs, the mod now has 72 hairstyles.
2014-02-16 - ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_2
- 34 hair for male Elves
- 4 new human male hairs
- Fixed textures path on hair 33
- Fixed male hair 26 to not clip into helmets and hoods
2013-04-14 - ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_1
Download under Optional files
- Adds 51 Male hairs for Humans, Orcs and Elves.
- reworked alpha paint for hair 10
2013- 02- 18 - ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_3
Download under Optional files
- Adds 44 hairs
2012- 12- 19 - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full
Main file:
Included fixes:
- Male hair 18 (Long Vanilla) closer to body (non float)
- Male hair Khajiit long Dreads fix alpha transparency.
- Female hair 02 Peggy braids closer to body (non float)
- Female hair 03 Nouk side braid closer to body CBBE Curvy (non float) (the closer to UNP body size 0 you can download from optional files)
- Female hair 25 Peggy long braids closer to body (non float)
Included Jeirs color match
2012-06-25 v.1.0 ApachiiHelmetWigs v.1.0
Wigs for use under helmets and hats.
There are 2 styles for Male and Female for all races.
You craft them at the forge for 1 leatherstrip or get them all for fee from a barrel outside Riften Stable.
You have to put them on or off just like any clothing or armor item.
Works together with my hairs. Standalone mod.
- Type:
- Games > PC
- Files:
- 509
- Size:
- 422.65 MiB (443182772 Bytes)
- Tag(s):
- Uploaded:
- 2013-10-27 11:17:01 GMT
- By:
- willard15405
- Seeders:
- 1
- Leechers:
- 0
- Comments
- 1
- Info Hash: 1947725F3C943643CC757E69169A479B3750F950
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BTC: 3HcEB6bi4TFPdvk31Pwz77DwAzfAZz2fMn
BTC (Bech32): bc1q9x30z7rz52c97jwc2j79w76y7l3ny54nlvd4ew
LTC: LS78aoGtfuGCZ777x3Hmr6tcoW3WaYynx9
XMR: 46E5ekYrZd5UCcmNuYEX24FRjWVMgZ1ob79cRViyfvLFZjfyMhPDvbuCe54FqLQvVCgRKP4UUMMW5fy3ZhVQhD1JLLufBtu