There are basic Pro Tools key shortcuts focused mostly on so called in Pro Tools 'Commands Keyboard Focus Mode' one-key stroke commands. As a Pro Tools user, I just wanted to transfer the key map that I used the most.
So I just dived into Reaper, coming from Pro Tools First. I loved Pro Tools First for the interface but the project limit and limited exporting capabilities was too, well, limiting. Reaper seems great so far in terms of capability, and while it might not look as nice I can tell that ReaEQ and ReaCOMP have a lot of potential.
Vertical Zoom Pro Tools Key Commands
Only nit pick I have is that I can't figured out whether or not I can manipulate these plugins with anything other than my mouse. Even if I would have to click on each band, having keyboard shortcuts so I could easily fine tune each band would be wonderful. I'd also like to eventually get a USB Controller with some knobs and what not since I'm coming from a live mixing background, but Idk if it'd be worth it if I wouldn't be able to assign those knobs to EQ bands.
Anyone got any answers or recommendations? I can make do, but using my mouse or typing in exact measurements isn't that intuitive to me.