Quadcopter Simulink Model Download

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  1. Dfig Simulink Model Download
  2. Simulink Model Library

Hello Karuna,
Unfortunately the 'perfect' one-stop resource for quadrotor vehicle dynamics hasn't turned up in my research yet. Different authors choose to model different effects, and between notation ambiguities and other issues it can be hard to compare different models to one another. At some point I hope to find time to update the documentation included with this download so that it can at least be a more complete and reliable resource. Till then, have a look at the various documents and books listed in the 'Bibliography' included with the Quad-Sim download, many of which I found useful.
However, note that as you are a self-proclaimed 'hobbyist,' some of the documents may get into details that exceed your level of interest.

Parameter driven Simulink model for quadcopter. Have a look at the various documents and books listed in the 'Bibliography' included with the Quad-Sim download. This example shows how to use Simulink® to model a quadcopter, based on the PARROT® series of mini-drones.

One of the most relevant resources mentioned in the Bibliography I provided is a paper which uses VERY different notation to what I used:
R. Mahony, V. Kumar, and P. Corke, “Multirotor Aerial Vehicles: Modeling, Estimation, and Control of a Quadrotor,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 19, Sept. 2012, pp. 20-32
(I think this paper can be found for free online, but I am not sure)

Good luck, and check back once in a while if you have interest, I may get around to making some substantial documentation upgrades, particularly in the area of mathematical modeling documentation.


TO DOWNLOAD: Click 'Download ZIP' on the right to download all of our materials as a single file.

A YouTube video providing a brief overview of our project was created for the 2014 MATLAB and Simulink Student design challenge. This video can be viewed at:

Copyright (C) 2014 D. Hartman, K. Landis, M. Mehrer, S. Moreno, J. Kim

Please email reasonable questions, suggestions, and complaints to:

Provided here is an assortment of materials designed to assist users in modeling and simulation of a quadcopter.Specifically:

•Test rig designs for component performance measurement

•Several MATLAB data analysis tools and GUIs (R2013a Tested)

•A configurable Simulink quadcopter simulation

•And a bit more stuff…

The full package should be available for download at:

These materials are partially the result of a Senior Design project at Drexel University. The team consisted of:D. Hartman, K. Landis, M. Mehrer, S. Moreno, and J. Kim.Our faculty advisor was Dr. B. C. Chang

As this is our first attempt at a public release of our materials, there are undoubtedly errors, omissions,and downright lies contained herein. Expect frequent updates as we find and correct issues.

We do not claim to be experts. All of our materials are provided simply as a service to themulti-rotor community in sincere hope that it will prove useful as a basis for further inquiry. Users areexpected to reference our materials against more reliable sources, and use their best judgment orconsult professional advice where appropriate, particularly where safety may be a concern.

Quadcopters and RC vehicles are dangerous and are not toys.Use caution and follow all manufacturer safety instructions.

That said, we hope you find these materials helpful. Good luck!

We provide documentation and instructions related to quadcopter dynamic modeing and simulation for control design.A good starting point is to take a close look at what materials are provided within these documents, and see how it fits into your project needs.In general, it would be advisable to add all of the MATLAB and Simulink related foldersto the MATLAB path so that they can be easily accessed within the MATLAB environment.Once you understand what we provide, you can tackle the materials in any order, or split up tasks among a team. Generally speaking, the order of tasks should be fairly self evident, and to some degree flexible depending on the needs of your project and your available resources.

This file is part of a Quadcopter Dynamic Modeling and Simulation package (Quad-Sim).

Quad-Sim is free: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.

Quad-Sim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licensealong with Quad-Sim. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

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