Feel free to contact us. Download Jailbreak Tools. 98 days for the iPhone 4S, 38 days for the iPhone 4. For older devices running iOS 6.1.3 through iOS 6. IOS 6.1.3 has just been released for. You will be stuck with no jailbreak on iOS 6.1.3. I donwloaded ios 6.1.3 for iphone 4s but itunes is giving me. Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G using Redsn0w with this easy and free step-by-step tutorial.
Instantly install Cydia with Untethered p0sixspwn jailbreak
Here you can Install Cydia for your iDevice using p0sixspwn untethered jailbreak. you have to use computer and can not download and run p0sixspwn directly on your iDevice. Doesn’t matter! if your are Mac or Windows user, p0sixspwn is compatible with both platforms Windows & Mac. Download the FREE p0sixspwn jailbreak tool, link below and follow our instruction guide it is easy & clear.
For MAC (p0sixspwn 1.0.8) download
For Windows (p0sixspwn 1.0.8) download
P0sixspwn jailbreak require;
- iPhone 3GS/iPhone 4/iPhone 4S/iPhone 5
- iPad 2/iPad 3rd generation/iPad 4th generation & iPad Mini 1st generation
- iPod Touch 4th generation/iPod 5th generation
- With running iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4/6.1.5/6.1.6
- Mac OS X (10.6+) or Windows
what should i do before p0sixspwn jailbreak?
- Install iTunes 9 or above
- Backup your device using iTunes – It will guarantee for your data when something got wrong
- Turn – off the all passcode lock and security codes
- Close all applications specially iTunes and related
- Follow the instructions it will prompt you
OK .! follow steps..
- download latest version of P0sixspwn using above link according to your computer platform (Mac/Windows).
- Windows user extract & run as administrator.
- Connect your iDevice to the computer using USB cable when it will prompt you.
- p0sixspwn shows you to your device has been detected & you have to hit the jailbreak button as in the screen.
5. After five minutes it will be done the jailbreak process & automatically reboot your device. Then, you are able to find Cydia icon on your devices’ home screen.
6. Tap on it for setup Cydia on your device and now you can enjoy unlimited customizations with amazing Cydia tweaks.
Troubleshooting p0sixspwn
If something wrong?? This is the complete guide to fix all issues with p0sixspwn jailbreak.
How to fix iOS 6.1.3 – 6.1.6 jailbreak errors with p0sixspwn ?
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Please advice.
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havecannot press jailbreak button.
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P0sixspwn stops after my device has reboot
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thank youHey. I have a problem with starting p0sixspwn. Whenever I try to run it, it tells me I require iTunes 9 or above, and even though I do run itunes 9, p0sixspwn keeps telling me that.
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Need iTunes 9 or above but I have an up to date iTunes
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hey.. hope you can help I’ve downloaded p0sixspwn. when i tried to jailbreak my ipod 4 they wrote that it is compatible till ios 6.1.5 and my ipod is for reading 🙂
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When I try to open p0sixspwn, it says: “p0sixspwn requires iTunes 9 or above!” But I have got iTunes 12.1.1! What can I do? Please help! (I tried to do it on iPod Touch 4th Generation.)
Jailbreak failed: err 03
its appear an error when open P0sixspwn require itune 9 or above plz do some suggestion plese help me out
it says i need itunes 9 or above but i have iunes 12
i downloaded itunes 11.2.2 and p0sixspwn worked but i can’t open itunes is that bad?
it wont load it keep restarting and saying it fail
I have jailbroken my old iPod 2nd gen before and screwed it up, a bit. I want to jailbreak my new iPod 4th gen, but I have three questions to be sure about it. Is it really safe to jailbreak it? Will it ruin it? And finally, is it reversible? Thanks.
whenever i hit jailbrake it just says detected
It says i need ITunes 9 or above but i already have the latest version of itunes, what do i do?
It says my device is already jailbroken even though it isn’t.
P0sixspwn says I need iTunes 9 or above and I have iTunes 11! Plz help!
I tries the p0isixspwn jailbreak and it said that there are programs blocking the jailbreaking process
it says i need itunes 9 or above but i have the newest so i installed itunes 11.2.2 and p0sixpwn worked but if i try to open itunes it says library.stl isn’t raedable becouse it’s installed with a newer version but i am sure i deleted everything of the newest itunes or doesn’t it make sense i can’t open itunes
cydia est il fiable a 100% que cela nous apporte t-il
Plz tell me, my friend gave me a brilliant idea I’m gonna jailbreak my ipod 6.1.6 then get cydia and I told him there is no jailbreak for ios 8.2 he said why not jailbreak you ipod then transfer cydia files into your ipod with ifile or ifunbox or something like that will that work if so that’s genius I mean what’s the whole wait for ios 8.2 or 8.3 jailbreak
It says that i need itunes 9 or higher but i have the newest itunes which is 12.1.2
I have it downloaded and when I try to open it it says “requires iTunes 9 or latter”. Then closes. Yet I have iTunes 12.1.2. Please help.
When i download it the chrome says it could “effect my browsing experience” And when I try from downloads it says”this might hurt..but don’t say I did not warn you”
it kind of worries me. how can I be sure that with it a virus wont come?Amigo mil gracias!!! la verdad resulta muy sencillo siguiendo los pasos y realmente es mas facial que antes…………tenias que usar el redsnow y el ipws….pero ahora gracias a este programa todo resulta muy cómodo y fácil gracias!!!! saludos desde Japon!
I keeps saying I need itunes 9 or above. I have itunes 12.1, what should I do
How do I open this? I archived the program and clicked the pic of it but didn’t work!? Please Help!!
How to install and run cydia on Windows 7. I don’t know which ios it is.
Guy I’ve tried everything and it still wouldn’t work
Sorry wrong profile
And but can anyone help me plz too get cydia
errr…. im derping out! how do i reboot manually? XD
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I am trying to update my Iphone g3s…
downloaded jailbreak but when I try to run it it gives me an error saying I need Itunes 9 or above, I am using the current itunes12.1.2.27How do I install?
I need that program real bad right now.
It isn’t working on my mac. I downloaded it and it’s saying that it can’t open. PLZ HELP
Error msg is coming
Required itunes 9or abovelelp me plz
No sirbe
Why ican,t downlad this file in opera mini android phone
Please help adminWhen I open p0sixspawn it tells me to get iTunes 9 or higher but My itunes is up to date
Is it possible to re jailbreak my iphone 5 iOS 6.1.4 ??? my cydia and ifile app crashing on start up i need to rejailbreak my device plz help
when i go to download it it says starting but never downloads
Hello, when I opened p0sixspwn it says it requiers iTunes 9 or above. I have above iTunes 9 and it still say this. Can you help me?
Tried to jailbreak my Ipod Touch 4g that has Ios 6.1.6, but couldn’t. After downloading the POsixspwn download and after downloading, it kept saying that I need itunes 9 or higher. I have Itunes 12 and it still keeps saying that and not launching the POsixspwn. Please help
thankyou bro. it works on my ipod 4th gen
I like this so mutch
Hi, I tried to download the file for the 6.1.6 but it displays that ‘The file is not longer available’. Where I can find a link that I can download?
Thank You.
Actually My phone is an old Iphone version, 3GS (6.1.6) and is already jailbreak but I don’t have Cydia; How I can download and install Cydia? If it is using the above file then where I can download it?
Thank You.
i have itunes 12 installed and an error popped up when i tried to jailbreak saying to get itunes 9 or higher. not sure what to do
I recently purchased an iPod Touch(4th Gen), and realized that it can’t upgrade past ios 6.1.6… Well, now I want to jailbreak my device, but I can’t seem to. Whenever I run p0sixspwn, it always crash after the “Preforming magic…” notification. Help? I’ve tried switching compatibility modes and running as admin, but no success.I’m trying to download the software for macbook, and iphone 4 with IOS 6.1.3.
The page that opens says the link was removed
Can u please help me?
tksthanks a lot I jailbrake my ipod 4g.
p0sixiswn is not opening on my laptop any solution ?
mega.nz is no longer working. Where to DL p0sixpwn 1.0.8 for MacOS?
How to fix jailbreak error ios 6.1.6
when i run the “p0sixspwn-v1.0.8” as admin there a error pop up.. it says p0sixspwn requires iTunes 9 or above.. im using itunes 12..
I did the steps and it rebooted my device and there is no cydia and now the wifi slider doesn’t work???
I Have iPod touch 6.1.6 and want to upgrade to 7.1 or higher. Will this jailbreak let me do this upgrade?
Thank you.
This is a scam don’t do it is some shit that doesn’t work
using windows
the app doesnt recognise my device is plugged in?
It worked after jailbreaking for a second time
I have an iTunes version 12 and above but when I open the p0sixspwn it say iTunes version required 9 or above?
im running iOS 6.1.6, Windows 10, And the latest iTunes and it keeps saying requires iTunes 9 or above.. please help
my itunes is version 12 but then also it is asking for 9 or above??? can you resolve the problem pls
how to update my ipo 4G to ios 7
If I try to open the p0sixspwn it says I neet Itunes 9 or above, but I already have the newest version. What can I do about it?
I have got itunes 12.5.1 , and P0six.. It says it requires itunes 9 ot above . Now what does that mean ?
It is stuck on “running helper” for more than an hour
I have ipod touch 4 with ios 6.1.6.
it is saying that itunes 9 or above needed but i have 12.5.5 the latest version installed
I’ve done jailbreaking on my phone (iPhone 3GS, iOS 6.1.6). But after that my phone can’t be able to turned on. What should I do for this?
Thank you very much! it worked!
When I open the file, a message pops up that says “p0sixspwn-v1.0.8.exe has stopped working” how can I solve this issue?
when i start the jailbreak it keeps on quitting unexpectedly
When I open the file on my laptop, it starts up the jailbreak but I when I plug my iPod in a message pops up that says “p0sixspwn-v1.0.8.exe has stopped working”
I´ve downloaded p0sixspwn in my Mac, connected my iPod 4 (8Gb) to the laptop, and then run p0sixspwn; then the programs looks like it is working till there is banner popping ups saying “p0sixspwn has closed unexpectedly
I’ve rebooted my iPod just in case the cundía program has already installed, but negative, the cundía icon is not in my iPod
Could anyone say what I’m doing wrong
Thanks in advance!
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If you’re an iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 4G user and accidentally upgraded to iOS 6.1.3 then the good news is that it is still possible to jailbreak your iOS device using Redsn0w.
In this article we show you how to jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 that was just released using Redsn0w.
Here are some important points to note before you proceed.
- This guide is meant for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G users.
- Warning: If you depend on Ultrasn0w to unlock your iPhone, then DO NOT update to iOS 6.1.3.
- Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 only supports a tethered jailbreak, which means that you need to connect your iPhone to the computer on every reboot (except iPhone 3GS with older bootrom).
- It is currently not possible to jailbreak iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini and iPod Touch 5G. We’ll let you know as soon as there is any update so don’t forget to join our Facebook Fan page or follow us on Twitter or add us to your circles on Google+ or subscribe to our RSS feed.
- Please note that jailbreaking your iOS device may void your warranty and hence proceed with caution and at your own risk.
- Please do not forget to backup your iOS device before you proceed. You can refer to this post for instructions on how to backup your iOS device using iCloud or this one to backup your iOS device using iTunes.
- Please ensure you are running latest version of iTunes.
- This method uses an iOS 6.0 jailbreak with the iOS 6.1.3 filesystem, so it could cause some unknown issues.
- Check out this post to find out the improvements in iOS 6.1.3.
You can follow these step-by-step instructions to jailbreak your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G on iOS 6.1.3:
Step 1: Download Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 (Redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 3) from this link and save the application in a folder named “Redsn0w” on your desktop.
Step 2: Download iOS 6.0 firmware file (yes, the trick is to point Redsn0w to the iOS 6.0 firmware file and NOT iOS 6.1.3 firmware file) for your iOS device from the links mentioned below:
- iPhone (Please ensure you download the correct iOS 6.0 firmware file for your iPhone model. Check this link if you need any help in identifying which iOS firmware file to download for your iPhone model.)
Step 2: Connect your device to the computer and double click the Redsn0w zip file and extract the application.Navigate to the Redsn0w folder and launch the Redsn0w application.
Windows 7 users should run the exe in Windows XP compatibility mode (right-click on the Redsn0w exe and select Properties, then select the Compatibility tab and select Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows XP). Windows XP and Windows 7 users should run Redsn0w as ‘Administrator’ (right-click on the Redsn0w exe and select ‘Run as an Administrator’).
Step 3: Click on Extras button.
Step 4: Then click on the Select IPSW button. Navigate and select the firmware file download in Step 2. It should successfully identify it.
Step 5: Go back to Redsn0w’s main page and click on the Jailbreak button.
Step 6: Redsn0w will now start preparing the jailbreak data.
Step 7: You will now be prompted to select the jailbreak options. Make sure Cydia is selected and click on the Next button to continue. iPhone 3GS users can also select Enable battery percentage option.
Step 8: You will now need to prompted to put your iOS device into the DFU mode. Redsn0w will take you through the necessary steps:
(a) Hold the Power button on your iOS device down for 3 seconds:
(b) Now simultaneously hold the Home button and keep the two buttons pressed for 10 seconds:
(c) Now release the Power button while keeping the Home button pressed until Redsn0w detects the device:
Note: Check this tutorial if you’re having trouble putting your device in DFU mode.
Step 9: Your iOS device should reboot now. Please remember to release the Home button.
Step 10: Your iOS device will reboot again and Redsn0w will now begin uploading the new RAM disk and kernel.
Step 11: You will be notified once the jailbreaking process is complete. Click on the Ok and then Quit button to exit the application.
Step 12: The rest of the process will take place on your iOS device, wait for it to complete. Your iOS device will reboot once again (which could take approximately 5 minutes). You will now see the Home screen on your iOS device, but Cydia would still be missing, that’s because you still need to tether boot your iOS device using Redsn0w. So follow the steps mentioned below.
Boot tethered:
Step 13: Launch Redsn0w again.
Step 14: Click on Extras button.
Step 15: Then click on the Select IPSW button. Navigate and select the firmware file downloaded in Step 2.
Step 16: Then click on the Just Boot button.
Step 17: You will now be prompted to plug your iOS device to the computer and switch it OFF again. Follow the instructions and click on the Next button to move to the next screen:
Step 18: You will now need to put your iOS device into the DFU mode. Redsn0w will take you through the necessary steps:
(a) Hold the Power button on your iOS device down for 3 seconds:
(b) Now simultaneously hold the Home button and keep the two buttons pressed for 10 seconds:
(c) Now release the Power button while keeping the Home button pressed until Redsn0w detects the device:
Step 19: Redsn0w will recognize the iOS device in DFU mode and apply the limerain exploit (remember to release the Home button). Your iOS device will reboot and a pineapple logo will appear, indicating a tethered boot.
Step 20: Wait for the process to complete, once it is complete, you should see the Lock screen on your iOS device.
That’s it, your iOS device has now been successfully jailbroken and you should see Cydia on the Home screen. If you don’t find it on the Home screen, please don’t panic, search for it using Spotlight.
Note: Since Redsn0w currently supports only a tethered jailbreak except for iPhone 3GS with older bootrom, you will need to follow steps 13 to Steps 20, each time you reboot your iPhone or iPod touch to be able to use the jailbreak apps like Cydia.
If you’ve any trouble, check out the video tutorial on how to jailbreak your iDevice running on iOS 6.1.3:
Please don’t forget to checkout our article on tips to keep your iOS device secure.
If you’re new to the jailbreaking world and wondering what to do after jailbreaking your iOS device, checkout our jailbreak apps category page to find out the apps you can install on your iOS device using the Cydia app.
Troubleshooting Tips:
1. Can’t find Cydia:
If you can’t find Cydia on your iPhone’s home screen after following steps 1 to 20 then it looks like you’ve used an incorrect iOS 6.0 firmware file. Please ensure you download the correct iOS 6.0 firmware file for your iPhone model. Check this link if you need any help in identifying which iOS firmware file to download for your iPhone model.
2. Unsupported IPSW:
If you get an error message informing you that the IPSW is not supported by this version of Redsn0w, then it means you’ve downloaded iOS 6.1.3 firmware file in step 2 instead of iOS 6.0 firmware file. Please download iOS 6.0 firmware file to jailbreak your iOS device running on iOS 6.1.3.
Jailbreak Iphone 4 Free Download
3. Cydia closes immediately:
If Cydia closes immediately when you try to launch it, it means that you haven’t tethered boot your device. Follow steps 13-20 mentioned above to solve this issue.
Hope this helped. Please don’t forget to let us know how it goes in the comments and if you hit any issues start a thread in our forums for help.
Cara Jailbreak Iphone 4s Ios 9.3.5
Post has been updated with troubleshooting tips and tricks, which should help in resolving frequently reported problems.